Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Social Google First Milestone Is Out

I'm happy to announce that the first milestone of Spring Social Google is out! Since the project started I received a lot of feedback from the community that helped shape this milestone and I would like to thank everyone who helped with suggestions, bug reports, patches and kind words.

This milestone includes integration with Google+, Portable Contacts and Google Tasks. It also lets you integrate with the GData Java Client Library, letting you use Spring Social Google for authentication and authorization, and applying the OAuth2 access token to an instance of a GData client. Please see the reference manual for usage instructions.

The example application demonstrates most of the available functionality. You can see it in action here.

To use Spring Social Google in a maven project, add the following repository and dependency to your pom.xml :

    <name>Spring Social Google</name>



or download the JAR here.

The project roadmap mostly depends on community feedback. Integration with more Google APIs will be added and you can help decide which will be first, so let me know what you think.

Enjoy using Spring Social Google!